Abstract submission

Global Health EDCTP3 invites submission of abstracts for oral presentations or poster presentations of original contributions on innovations and impact in global health research, relevant to the scope of Global Health EDCTP3 Strategic Research and Innovation Agenda. Researchers  working on projects supported under EDCTP2, Global Health EDCTP3 and other related Horizon Europe programmes are encouraged to use this opportunity to share new developments and results from their projects. We also welcome submissions from stakeholders working worldwide on health research in Africa. The Call for abstracts is currently open and will close on 23 February 2025.  

Please read the information below carefully before submitting an abstract:  

Format and eligibility  

Abstracts must be submitted in English and should not exceed 300 words.  

Abstracts should follow the format:  

  • Background  
  • Methods  
  • Results  
  • Conclusions  

Abstracts must not have been published or submitted for presentation to any other national or international meeting.  


Abstracts must be submitted via the online system by 23 February 2025. Only abstracts submitted online by the deadline will be considered. No changes to abstracts will be accepted after the submission deadline. Detailed instructions are available in the online submission system. For questions regarding abstracts, please contact info@edctpforum.eu

Evaluation procedure  

All submitted abstracts will be reviewed by the Programme Committee and external experts, in collaboration with Global Health EDCTP3. Selection of abstracts will be based on the following criteria:  

  • Abstract quality  
  • Relevance to the Forum theme and Global Health EDCTP3 activities  
  • Significance of the reported results.  

The corresponding author will be notified of the outcome of the review by April 2025.    

Please note that the final decision on whether the abstract is accepted and, if so, whether it will be for a poster or oral presentation will be made by Global Health EDCTP3 and the Programme Committee. It is expected that presenters will attend in person. Poster presenters will be allocated a time slot where they will present and address questions in person at the Forum.  

Presenting authors whose abstracts have been accepted will receive further instructions for presenting their abstracts.  

Financial support 

Global Health EDCTP3 will support transport, accommodation and visa costs for a limited number of early and mid-career investigators with high-ranking abstracts, who have been accepted to present an abstract at the Twelfth EDCTP Forum. Access to all Forum sessions and meals as per the Forum programme are also foreseen. This support is intended for investigators with limited research funding. Selected recipients will be the primary authors of oral or poster presentations. 

submit your abstract